Delegation of Information and Communication Ministry paid visit to Dak Nong and worked with the province’s leaders
Ngày đăng 09/07/2013 | 10:34  | View count: 3378

On afternoon of 20 September 2017, the Delegation of Information and Communication Ministry headed by Mr. Truong Minh Tuan - Member of Party Central Committee, Minister of Information and Communication paid a visit to Dak Nong and had a working session with the province's leaders  to catch on the  state of  Information and Communication development of the province.

Receiving the Delegation were: Mr Le Dien – Member of Party Central Committee, Provincial  Party Committee Secretary; Mr Tran Xuan Hai – Member of Provincial Party Standing Committee, Standing Provincial People's Committee Vice Chairman; Mr Cao Huy – Member of Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People's Committee Chairman; along with the Heads of relevant departments and agencies. 

Mr Le Dien - Member of Party Central Committee, Provincial  Party Committee Secretary, Chairman of Provinical People's Committee made statement at the reception.

As reported, so far, the State management of Information and Communication area in Dak Nong province has been intensified over all the aspects. At present, the whole province has 5 agencies involved in the provision of postal service, with 13 post-officies and 43 postal stations at commune level. The forms of service and business in the field have been increasingly expanded, in which,  the business mission has been clearly distinguished from public service mission.

The Telecommunication and Internet market has been sustainably developed with more than 29,800 mobile phone subscribed numbers, nearly 2,100 telephone subscribed numbers and approximately 66,000 internet subscribers. Operation of press has grown fast, with the participation of 3 press agencies, 5 printing-and-publishing establishments and over 50 smaller printing establishments distributed over the localities.

Information techniques are widely applied in the State administration and management of levels of local authorities.  So far, the majority of departments, boards, agencies and People's Committee of all levels have deployed the Doccument management Software in the operation of sendinging, receiving electronic documents and applied electronic signature in a quick and effective manner.  As of June 2017, of the 61 communes in the province , 51 communes has had the postal station; 61communes had telecomunication and internet provision; 25 communes had radiobroadcast station and the radio loudspeaker system set up to the hamlet level.

The Director of Radio Frequency Department addresses in response to petitions pertaining to investments in radio and television broadcasting system

However, apart from such achievements as mentioned above, the Information and Communication sector of the province is still faced with a lot of difficulties such as the rate of sharing telecommunication infrastructure among businesses is low; the rate of underground information cable network is not high; the quality of internet service in some  areas, especially in remote hamlets and village is still limitted; the information technique equipment has deteriorated and is outdated, thus, incompatible for installation of  new operating systems and applications; the internet information security has yet to be synchronously invested.

At the working session, the Provincial People's Committee put forward a number of recommendations and petitions, addressing the need for improving the  infrastructure for the of grass-roots level's information and communication system; distributing VND58 billion for the targeted program on information techonology, period 2016 -2020; balancing and distributing budget for the implementation of Project on Building E-Government. The province also  suggested that the Central Government set up plan to provide the province with guidelines for the implementation of tasks pertaining to the Scheme for digitization of terrestrial television broadcasting by 2020 and support the province with training, fostering the human resources specializing in internet information security.

According to Mr Le Dien, Member of Party Central Committee, Provincial Party Committee Secretary, besides putting forward recommendations and petitions, it is necessary for  the Information and Communication sector of the province to absorb the recommendations and directions given by the delegation to follow closely and efectively implement the schemes and directions of the Central Government.  

Mr Truong Minh Tuan - Member of Party Central Committee, Minister of Information and Communication concludes the working session.

Concluding the working sesstion, Minister Truong Minh Tuan highly praised the province on its achievements of socio-economic development in general as well as of Information and Communiacation area in particular. The Minister underlined that in the coming time, the province needed to give more attention to the tasks of internet information security; the Propaganda and Training commission of the province was to step up the information and propaganda activies on the policies, legislation, and administrative measures to sufficiently inform the people of the issues of public concern, contributing to bringing about the unanimity among the society. Besides, the province must pay a lot of  attention to such activities as receiving and returning dossiers of organizations and individuals, contributing to the outcome of administrative innovation; public postal services of period 2016 – 2020, the Scheme for digitization of terrestrial television broadcasting by 2020.

According to