Opening the 4th Dak Nong Provincial Games in 2018
Ngày đăng 18/10/2018 | 14:33  | View count: 14988

On the night of  16 October 2018, the Opening ceremony for  the 4th Provincial Games in 2018 of  Dak Nong  was formally held  at the Provincial Stadium in Gia Nghia town, Dak Nong province, with the participation of over 1000 athletes coming from the districts, town and other agencies of the province. 

Previously, the torch relay ceremony has performed at the Provincial matyr's cemetery (shown Provincial People's Committee's Vice Chairwoman passes the torch to the athletes


In attendance at the Opening ceremony were: Mr Pham Van Tuan - Deputy Director General of the Department of Sports (belonging to the Cuture, Sport and Tourism Ministry); Mr Nguyen Bon, Provincial Communist Party Committee Deputy Secretary, Chairman of Provincial People's Committee; Nguyen Dinh Trung, Provincial Communist Party Committee Deputy Secretary, the Head of Provincial Communist Party Committee Inspection Committee; representatives from department, agencies, unions along with local and neighbouring province's people.

The torch relay with the flame taken from the Provincial matyr's cemetery is performed as  a way of paying tribute to the heroes and matyrs and expressing the strength and sportmanship.

The opening ceremony was started by the performance of carrying the national flag, olympic flag, President Ho Chi Minh's portray, the Games' symbol and the procession to show up the power by the 23 delegations from localities and units. Afterward, the torch lit up with the flame from the Provincial matyr's cemetery was formally carried into the main stage, where it was taken by  Provincial People's Committee's Chairman Nguyen Bon to light up the cauldron of the Games.

The athletes carry President Ho Chi Minh portray accross the main stage.

Delivering speeches at the ceremony, the Provincial People's Committee's Vice Chairwoman Ton Thi Ngoc Hanh - Head of the steering board of the Games underlined that: The 4th Provincial Games of Dak Nong in 2018 is a event to promote the strength of the whole party committee, government and the people of the province; evaluate the development of sport and athletic movement among the civil people, army forces, the cadres, workmen, official staff and physical education at school. The athletes with the highest achievement at this Provincial Games will be selected to form the delegation for taking part in the 8th National Games in 2018. Also, the 4th Provincial Games of Dak Nong serves as the driving force for the implementation  of the motivation " The whole people follow President Ho Chi Minh example in exercising". In the athletic spirit of " solidarity, honesty, and nobility", the Vice Chairman required that the athletes  make their best effort in competing and striving for the best achievement.

The procession by the delegations taking part in the Games.

Also delivering speech at the opening ceremony, Mr Pham Van Tuan - Deputy Director General of the Department of Sports acknowledged and praised on the results in the field of sport that Dak Nong province has achieved over the last time. In the face of difficulties and limitation in terms of infrastructure and equipment as well as the condition for training; however, thanks to the great care and attention by levels of government and the great efforts by the athletes, the high level sports and the public sport movement in Dak Nong province has gained new progresses. He expressed hope that Dak Nong province would gain a lot more achievements and medals in the coming 8th National Game in 2018.

Provincial Communist Party Committee Deputy Secretary, Chairman of Provincial People's Committee Nguyen Bon lights up the traditional  flame on the Cauldron of the Games.


The opening ceremony also featured the art performance program with the title of " Dak Nong - youth's power - intergration and sustainable development, which is divided into 2 sections: " the resounding of Dak Nong" and " the young with aspiration and shining"and performed by nearly 1000  extra performers.

Dak Nong Provincial People's Committee's Vice Chairwoman Ton Thi Ngoc Hanh delivers speech for the opening ceremony.


The Dak Nong's 4th Provincial Games in 2018 is comprised of 15 games in total and the competition for 8 games of which has already been completed, including: soccer, cross-country running, male volleyball,  men's volleyball, women's volleyball table tennis, tennis, karate, taewondo. The Games now is holding the competitions for the last 7 games including: badminton, athletic contest, tug of war, crossbow shooting,  pushing the pole, chess, china chess. The Games lasts till the end of 19 October.

Deputy Director General of the Department of Sports (of the Cuture, Sport and Tourism Ministry) Pham Van Tuan acknowledges and praises on the Dak Nong's achievement on sports. 

Prior to the Opening ceremony, on the night of 15 October, the ceremony of torch relay had been held at the Provincial matyr's cemetery. The athleles had also entered the competition for a number of content of the Games. The Games will last till the end of 19 October. 

Provincial leaders offers flowers and  remembrance flag to the delegations taking part in the Games


The art performance program to welcome the Games


The athletes compete at High jump


The athletes compete at Long jump

The athletes compete at Badminton Men's doubles

According to