Opening the 4th session, the IV Provincial People's Council, term 2021-2026
Ngày đăng 01/08/2022 | 16:36  | View count: 154678

At exactly 8:00 a.m. this morning (July 25, 2022), in Gia Nghĩa city, the People's Council of Dak Nong province solemnly opened the 4th session, the IV Provincial People's Council, term 2021-2026.

Attending the opening period of the session were Mr. Ngô Thanh Danh, Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation; Mr. Lê Văn Chiến, member of Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Committee, comrades in Standing Board of Provincial Party Committee; Provincial People's Committee; Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee; comrades deputies to the Provincial National Assembly; the comrades are delegates of the Provincial People's Council; leaders of departments, branches, unions and Standing People's Councils of districts and cities.

Mr. Lưu Văn Trung, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council; Y Quang B'Krông, Standing Committee member, Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairman of Provincial People's Council; Mai Thị Xuân Trung, Provincial Commissioner, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People's Council co-chaired the meeting.

Overview of the Session

Speaking at the opening of the session, Mr. Lưu Văn Trung, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council emphasized: In 2022 in the context of complicated developments in the world and the region; natural disasters, epidemics, especially the Covid-19 epidemic, remained unpredictable in the first months of the year; The high prices of petrol and raw materials have a great impact on production, business and people's lives. However, with the drastic leadership and direction of the Central Committee, the Provincial Party Committee, the People's Council and the Provincial People's Committee; the synchronous and timely participation of the whole political system; With the consensus, support, and outstanding efforts of the business community and all classes of people, the province's socio-economic situation in the first 6 months of 2022 remains stable and continues to develop.

The situation of the Covid-19 epidemic has been well controlled, production and business activities have stabilized and transitioned to a new normal. The growth rate of GRDP remained quite at 6.33%. Economic fields continued to develop; many important indicators increased significantly over the same period, of which industry - construction increased by 8.11%, services increased by 6.41%. State budget revenue is estimated at 1,936 billion VND, up 8% over the same period last year, reaching 65% of the local estimate. Stable agricultural and industrial production activities completed as planned; cultural, artistic, physical training and sports activities are actively organized; social security and people's health care are paid special attention; Information technology applications are deployed strongly, timely information and propaganda policies of the Party and State; National defense and security are consolidated and strengthened; political security, social order and safety are ensured; Judicial reform, internal afairs, anti-corruption and anti-negativity continue to be paid attention and well implementedf.

The Provincial People's Council recognizes and highly appreciates the efforts of the People's Committees at all levels, branches, socio-political organizations, business communities and people of ethnic groups in the province in implementing socio-economic development - national defense and security tasks in the first 6 months of 2022.

Mr. Lưu Văn Trung, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People's Council delivered the opening speech

Besides the achieved results, the implementation of the economic development plan in the first 6 months of the year in the province still has some shortcomings and limitations, which are: Production and business activities of the people in the province still face many difficulties. The price of input materials, especially the price of fuel and construction materials, increased sharply; Attracting investment in the field of agricultural product processing has not changed much. The planning work is still slow with many problems; The progress of site clearance for the implementation of land use projects is still low compared to the plan...

At this meeting, the Provincial People's Council will consider and discuss 17 reports, 08 submissions and draft resolutions submitted by the Standing Committee of the People's Council, the Committees of the Provincial People's Council, the Provincial People's Committee and relevant sectors.

At the 4th session, the IV Provincial People's Council has a very large workload, deciding many important contents of the province in 2022 and the whole period from 2021 to 2025. He suggested the delegates of the Provincial People's Council upholding the sense of responsibility, promoting wisdom, focusing on carefully studying the contents of the reports to have quality opinions, participating in the contents of the meeting, discussing, explaining, interviewing and answering questions to meet the beliefs and expectations of voters and the people. 

Delegates attending the meeting

Before entering the opening session, members of the Provincial People's Council visited, offered flowers and offered incense to the martyrs at the Provincial Martyrs Cemetery.

