The competition to find out good avocados: 8 avocado samples were honoured and awarded
Ngày đăng 21/07/2018 | 09:31  | View count: 12407

To continue the event series belonging to the "Dak Nong - Ripe avocado season" Program in 2018, on 21 July 2018,  in Gia Nghia town, Dak Nong provincial People's Committee held a competition to find out the good avocados

48 samples of avocado (each with 10 avocados of the same variety) from growers, groups of farmers and businesses over the area took part in the competition.

Preparing for the competition


The avocados were evaluated and selected based on 11 main criteria plus one supplement criterion including the appearance and some qualities such as the color of the skin when the avocado gets ripe, how easy it is to remove the skin, color of the inner part, the qualities of being viscous, fatty and the smell. This was the first time the competition was held at the provincal level and it drew up the concerns of many managers, businesses and farmers in the province. Most of farmers seemed excited to take part in such a competition.

The jury gives judges and selects the good avocados.


Vo Dinh Nguyen, who brought the avocado sample named booth 7 to participate in the competition said: "not only me but my wife and children are very delighted when taking part in this competition. For the past many months, I have been longing for this day in hope that the avocados of our family will be highly evaluated and take a chance to be known and multiplied for further production". His family now has 6 ha of booth avocados, having been creating income for many years.

In addition to judging the avocado based on their appearance, the jury also evaluates the avocados by tasting them.


With no less excitement, Mrs Le Thi Kim Lien in the hamlet no.17, Dak Wer commune, Dak R'lap district had been growing avocados in between the 13 ha of coffee, pepper corn for many years. Her coffee and pepper corn had got the recognition as meeting the ecological standards of Global GAP. However, her avocados have yet to be sent for sample analysis. But she is well aware of the fact that  accquiring the recognition for meeting the good international agricultural requirement is a necessary platform before her avocados could make their way into the store, supermarket system in and outside the country 

The competition attracts a lot of local residents


Despite of the first time time to be held, thanks to the good preparation, it was quite easy and convenient for the jury to evaluate and select out the good avocados among other ones. Most of member of the jury had offered good praises on the appearance as well as the quality of the different avocado samples.

Vice - Chairwoman of Dak Nong Provincial People's Committee, Head of the Organization board of the Program "Dak Nong - Ripe avocado season" Ton Thi Ngoc Hanh is present to examine the competition.


After 3 hours of evaluation and selecting, the jury had picked out 8 samples of avocado for being honoured and awarded. Of which, the first prizes were given to the avocado sample named 034 of Mr Ngo Van Tuan (in Krong No district) and the avocado sample named CuBa of Mr Ke Van Hung (in Gia Nghia town. There were also a second prize, two third prizes and 3 encouraging prizes being given to the competitors.

All of the competitors are given a competition medal


Ngo Van Tuan, one among the competitors whose avocados were honoured expressed his happiness: " This is a significant result for our family effort in caring to the avocado garden during the last time. After this competition, I will continue to conform with  the higher criteria to further develop and impart the growing experience to people around me so that they can get rich by growing avocado".

Giving the certificate and award for the household owning the third and encouraging prizes.


On making statement about the competition, Head of Agriculture and Rural Development Department, Deputy Head of Organization Board of "Dak Nong- Ripe vocado season" Program Le Trong Yen said: "At the district level, there have been a number of places where avocado competitions have been held but at the provincial level, this is the first time the avocados are given crown for theirs attributes of being good-looking, good - tasted and organic. The competition had ended successfully and such results are the awards for every sweat and hardness the farmers had poured down on their cultivated land. For the time to come, the province will promote the next steps to get the avocados of Daknong recognized as  high -quality avocado over the international market.

Le Quang Dan, Deputy Head of Agricultre and Rural Development Department gives to second prize for the competitor.


Le Trong Yen, Head of Agriculture and Rural Development, Deputy Head of " Daknong - Ripe avocado season" Program in 2018 gives the first prizes for the competitors.


The avocado sample named 034 given the first prize


The avocado sample named CuBa getting the first prize

