The first harvest DooBak potatoes "debut" was unexpected success
Ngày đăng 31/03/2020 | 10:42  | View count: 32343

Recently, The Farmers' Association of Tuy Duc District (Dak Nong province) cooperated with Orion Vina Food Co., Ltd. to test and grow Korean DooBak potatoes. At present, the model is harvesting with unexpected success of functional branches and farmers.

According to the Association, Quang Tam and Dak Buk So communes are the two selected localities to grow Korean DooBak potatoes, with a total area of ​​9.6 hectares. After being deployed for more than 3 months, the potatoes have grown very well and give high yields.

The DooBak potato plant when grown in Tuy Duc district gives high yield and quality

Mr. Pham Van Ngan, a resident of Dak Buk So commune excitedly shared, Korean DooBak potato plants when grown locally give big, uniform size tubers, averaging 4-8 tubers/tree. With 4.000 m2 of experimental plots, the family earned over 14 tons of DooBak potatoes. What's more exciting is that after harvesting, Orion Vina Food Co., Ltd. bring the means to harvest and buy the product for the price of 9,000VND / kg in local people's fields. Just over 3 months of care, after deducting all production costs, Ngan's family has earned more than 70 million.

"We expect the linkage model will continue to develop sustainably, contributing to helping people improve their economy, confidently enriching," Ngan said.

Tuy Duc farmers harvested DooBak potatoes in the joy of having a good harvest

Quang Tam commune, expressed his joy: DooBak potato is a new plant that has been put into trial cultivation, but developed very well, giving high yield. Farmers just take care of plants in the right process to ensure productivity and quality. And the price has been committed by the company, closing on the contract. Through reality, with the current productivity and price, only 1 ha of potatoes, local people can earn more than 150 million VND after 3 months. This is a very high income for agriculture. With this opportunity, we hope that the functional district will continue to pay attention and act as a bridge for local people and businesses to cooperate in a sustainable and long-term manner in order to effectively develop the economy.

On average, when DooBack Potato grown in Tuy Duc district yields from 2.5 to 3.5 tons/1.000m2

According to the Tuy Duc District Farmers Association, at the end of the model, Orion Vina Food Co., Ltd. appreciated the quality of potato tubers when grown in Tuy Duc district. With these successes, Orion Vina Co., Ltd. said it will continue to link with local farmers to expand the area of ​​potato to 100 hectares. In the process of mutual cooperation, Orion Vina Food Co., Ltd. is committed to investing in seed and technology for farmers to develop intensive potato plants. Especially, at the end of the crop, the company will buy DooBak potatoes for the price of 9,000 VND/kg in local people's fields. With the price like this, the farmers of Tuy Duc district can completely get rich with potato plants.

Currently, the company commits to buy DooBak potatoes for the price of 9,000 VND/kg right in people's fields

According to Mr. Doan Le Anh - Oficier Farmer Association of Tuy Duc district, through the achieved results, the DooBak potato growing model is a promising new direction, contributing to help people can exploit and use agricultural land sustainably, effective. In the context of continuous decline in many key crops in the locality, this model also helps people to switch crop structure appropriately, bringing high economic efficiency. The most special thing, the success of the DooBak potato model also shows a close link between farmers, businesses and the managers through their participation of supervisors and close support. "However, the Tuy Duc District Farmers' Association also recommends that people should not massively develop DooBak potato, unless there is a stable output and price link," Doan Le Anh said.
