Dak Nong surpasses $1 billion of export value
Ngày đăng 22/11/2018 | 14:50  | View count: 15421

The Report No 600/BC-UBND dated 15 November 2018 by Dak Nong Provincial People's Committee (submited to the Provincial People's Council) on the socio-economic and national defense - public performance security 2018 shows an impressive figure of export turnover of the province, estimated at $1.158, accounting for 116% of the year plan, up 12% against same period last year. Such a figure would have been a dream for the province given its condition of 15 years back but the dream has now come true.

Worker at Nhan Co alumina plant (in Dak R'lap district) are packaging alumina for export

Those who have lived or worked in Dak Nong from the first days of its establishment should have seen that the province have made clearly visible steps of development with a lot of accomplishments to be proud of in both social and economic sphere, year by year.  In term of export, the figure of export turnover has always increased year after year. For instance, in 2004 - the province's first year of establishment, the value of export turnover was merely $50 million. The value was $130 million in 2006,  $165 million in 2007; $195 million in 2008; over $200 million in 2009... and went up to $950 million in 2017.

As regards the figure of export turnover growth of the province over the past years, there have a great number of opinions saying that such figure is just fake. That is because the annual figure of export turnover of the province was mainly based on the export result of the Oxlam Vietnam - CO.,LTD - a foreign direct investment enterprise. Meanwhile, this enterprise merely registers its headquarters in Dak Nong, while its business operation (purchase of agricultural commodities for export) was implemented all over the country.

According to the leader of relevant agencies, such issue was normal when it comes to export. With the favorable context of the province in recent year in terms of potential and and competitive edge of agricultural produces, a great number of enterprises in the province have boldly pioneer taking on the export tasks. As such, not only have enterprises enjoyed benefit from the  preferential policies on export tax and made profit for themself, they also help get farm produces of the province sold to many overseas markets.

Especially, over the last years, the Provincial People's Committee has set goal of focusing more on trade, service and export. At the same time, the department of industry and commercial has worked with relevant agencies to step up trade promotion and support enterprises in innovating, enhancing the produces' competitiveness capacity and quality, expanding export market, developing potential markets. Having mechanism and policies and legal procedures favorable for investment and enterprise, the province has established a strong enough enterprise network to deliver export activities. In addition, enterprises also grasp their opportunities, boldly take up the risk to speed up export, contributing to the socio-economic development of the province.

As a result, the structure of export goods of the province  has been changing positively with rate of processed produces icreased while rate of raw produces reduced. Aside from popular export items like coffee, peper corn, cashew nut, dried peanut; alumina also makes a great contribution in the structure of export goods. Of the $1,158 million value of export revenue in 2018, alumina export revenue takes up nearly $250 million.

Coffee takes up a large proportion in the total export renenue of the province in 2018

It can be said that, over the last years, the province has always determined that beauxite exploitation and alumina production are important sources for Dak Nong's socio-economic development, gradually transforming the province from an underdeveloped province into a province with modern industries. Now, the province's dream has come true when alumina is contributing greatly to the structure of export items, with increasing proportion, bringing about a big budget collection source to the province. 

It is possible to confirm that export has been playing an important role in transforming the province's economic structure, becoming a major driving force behind the development of production, making contribution to the stabilization of socio-economic situation, increasing budget collection, creating jobs, increasing income and reducing poverty for local people.

Notably, the export activites of the province's enterprise have been expanded to  33 countries and territories. Among such, the highest and most stable proporions of export go to Singapore, South Korea, United Nations of America, Malaysia, Japan, China, Australia.  Aside from exporting to traditional market, the province's export enterprises have kept looking for and expanding their export to new markets such as Africa, Middle East. The stakeholders of export activities keep raising in number and operating increasingly effective.

In the coming years, it would be completely possible for the structure of export items as well as export revenue of the province  to maintain its growth momentum. Not only would Nhan Co alumina plant step up its production to reach its designed capacity, the export would be futher fostered by the aluminum products of Tran Hong Quan Metallurgy Co.,Ltd.

Besides, following the operation of the aluminum metallurgy plant, the industry of manufacturing the products after aluminum will create more products for export. It is because, the existence of aluminum industry will facilitate the development of other industries such as chemical, construction, manufacture of devices...

With such a promising situation, we now have enough confidence to believe that in a few coming year, the milestone of $1 billion of export revenue will soon to be left behind and it would be no longer deemed a fake value.

According to http://baodaknong.org.vn