Online conference evaluated the implementation of the tasks of socio - economic development in August, in the 8 first months of 2014 and deployed tasks in September 2014.
Ngày đăng 22/09/2014 | 10:58  | View count: 8575

On September 12th 2014, The Provincial People’s Committee held online conference to evaluate the implementation of the tasks of socio – economic development, national security and defense in August, in the 8 first months of 2014 and main tasks in September/2014.

Attending at the conference on the conference site of Provincial People's Committee, there were members of Provincial People's Committee; the leaders of Departments, sectors, units of the province; the leader of Gia Nghia town People's Committee. At the conference site of People's Committee of districts, there was leader of District People's Council and District People's Committee, the related Heads of offices and units; Mr. Le Dien, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Committee chaired the conference.

Online conference at the site of Provincial People's Committee Office


At the conference, Mrs. Nguyen Thi Ngoc Le, member of the Standing committee of Provincial Party committee, Vice-chairman of Provincial People's Committee reported direction and management of The Provincial People's Committee and Chairman of Provincial People's Committee, socio-economic situation, national security and defense in August, in the first 8 months of 2014 and main tasks in September/2014. After Ms Nguyen Thi Ngoc Le's evaluation, Mr. Cao Huy, member of Provincial Party Committee, Vice-chairman of Provincial People's Committee announced the Administrative reform index in 2013 held on September 5th 2014 in Ha Noi city and implementing plan of local area in the next time. Department of Agriculture and Rural Development reported progress of the main agricultural and forestry projects on local area, agricultural productive situation, preventing disease epidemic situation and the solutions to ensure safety of lakes and dams in flood season in 2014. Department of Health reported disease epidemic situation especially hand, foot and mouth and rubella epidemic, bird flu A (H1N1, H5N1, H7N9), preventing disease epidemic in the next time, especially Ebola epidemic. Department of Education and Training reported situation of starting a new school year 2014 – 2015.

At the conference, they announced Administrative reform index in 2013 held on September 5th 2014 in Ha Noi city. The Administrative reform index (abbreviated PAR INDEX) to monitor, qualify and evaluate correctly, objectively, fairly the result of implementing annual administrative reform of ministries, ministerial – level agencies and Committee of provinces and cities in the country. At the same time, through PAR Index, we can identify strength and weakness in implementing administrative reform, helping ministries, sectors, provinces and cities directly under the Central government to adjust targets, content and solutions in deploying annual administrative reform, to contribute to improve the effect of implementing administrative reform and build an effective, valid, strong and clean administration.

According to this, PAR Index of Dak Nong province in 2013 reached 77.48%, higher 4.23% compared to 2012; ranked 36/63 provinces and cities, increased 9 levels compared to 2012 (ranked 45/63 in 2012). As the above result, Dak Nong ranked 3/5 provinces in Central Highland region (after Lam Dong and Dak Lak province); simultaneously Dak Nong is ranked 3/5 in GOPA provinces, administrative reform program is supported by Danish government (after Lao Cai and Dak Lak province).

According to report at conference, socio – economic situation, national security and defense in August and in the first 8 months of 2014, economy and society of province had positive changes and achieved positive results. Industrial production value in August was estimated to reach VND 385 billion; increased 5.28% compared to previous month and increased 24.22% compared to the same period last year. Agricultural production, so far, the localities have harvested 40,861 hectares/74,991 hectares of summer – autumn crop, reached 54.49% of the plan; simultaneously they also planted 10.419 hectares/31,594 hectares autumn – winter crop, reached 33% of the plan. They replanted 22,862 hectares of perennial trees. Total retail goods and service turnover on the provincial area in August was estimated to reach VND 857 billion, increased 1.9% compared to previous month and increased 11.38% compared to the same period last year. Accumulated revenue of the first 8 months was estimated to reach VND 6,593 billion, increased 7.01% compared to the same period last year and reach 62.79 % compared to the plan of 2014. Consumer price index in August increased 0.07% compared to previous month, accumulated revenue of the first 8 months increased 2% compared to December 2013. Export turnover in August was estimated to reach USD 70 millions, increased 4.32% compared to previous month and increased 65.22% compared to the same period last year. Accumulated revenue of the first 8 months was estimated to reach USD 492 million, increased 45.53% compared to the same period last year and reached 81.92% compared to the plan of 2014. Import turnover is expected to reach USD 15.1 millions, decreased 14.2% compared to previous month and decreased 15.51% compared to the same period last year. The total tourist arrivals to the province were estimated to reach 12,000 arrivals, including international tourist arrivals were estimated to reach 450 arrivals. The total tourist arrivals by touring accommodation establishments in August 2014 were estimated to reach 9,500 arrivals, accounting for 79.2% of total tourist structure. The pure turnover from tourism was estimated to reach VND 1.5 billion. The total revenue of state budget in provincial area in August was estimated to carry out VND 89.8 billion. Accumulated revenue of state budget in provincial area was estimated to carry out VND 876 billion and 63% compared to assigned local estimative budget in 2014. Total local budget expenditure was estimated to carry out VND 381 billion, local budget expenditure accumulation was VND 2,605 billion, reached 61% compared to assigned local estimative budget. In the fields of culture, information, education, taking care and protecting people's health were implemented well and focusing on preparing conditions carefully to implement tasks in school year 2014 – 2015. Ensuring social security and welfare was concerned and effectively implemented; national defense – security was enhanced; policy and society were stable; external relation was continuously strengthened.

Besides achievements, there are some difficulties and drawbacks: business and production activities of enterprises still faced many difficulties in August; disbursement of investment capital was still slow; budget revenue did not reach proposed plan; deforestation and forest encroachment situation happened complexly; traffic accidents tend to increase.

After the discussion of districts, towns, departments and sectors of province, Mr. Le Dien, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Committee recommended Departments, Units, sectors and Chairman of People's Committee of districts, town to focus on review the tasks of socio – economic development in order to have solutions timely to implement the tasks successfully in 2014. Focusing on directing to deploy the solutions drastically according to the Resolutions No 01/NQ-CP of Government and the Plan No 36/KH-UBND on February 27th 2014 of Provincial People's Committees, about deploying the main solutions, to direct and operate the socio - economic development plan in 2014. Focusing on removing difficulties, promoting productive development and business, simultaneously to carry out policies to control inflation and stabilize economy in order to create a foundation for stable growth. Especially, the solutions to strengthen export, to expand the domestic and foreign markets; to make advantage for enterprises to access to capital at reasonable interest rate; to strengthen administrative reform; to focus on reviewing, simplifying administrative procedures on all fields to make advantages for people and enterprises. Investors accelerate the speed of executing the key works on the local area, to disburse the investment capital timely as having enough conditions. Strengthening inspection, control during the process of implementation to ensure the speed and quality of works correctly according to the proposed plan. Focus on directing agricultural production; preventing of disease of human, plants and animals timely and effectively.

Tan Le


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TP Hồ Chí Minh


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