The socio-economic development: Many targets will reach and exceed the plan.
Ngày đăng 03/12/2014 | 10:50  | View count: 9727

The department of planning and investment has just made a report evaluati ng the implementation situation of socio-economic development targets in the province in 2014. According to the report, in the whole province, there will be 15/20 groups either achieving or exceeding the targets the Resolution of the Provincial People's committee set out.

Exports were among achieved targets with high results. The province's export turnover reached USD 596 million in the first 10 months of 2014, exceeding over 99% compared to the plan. Exports were estimated to reach over USD 600 million in 2014, exceeding the set target.

In 2014, goods always met people's demands.

Major exports of the province have been still coffee, rubber, cashew nuts, pepper, industrial alcohol. Although export products were mainly preliminary products and exported in their raw form, these products were exported to a wide range of markets in the world thanks to the expansion of markets.

One thing worth mentioning is that up to now, Daknong coffee has been exported to over 20 countries and territories worldwide. In the past two years, coffee growers on local area have focused on harvesting coffee when the rate of ripening was satisfactory over 90%, contributing to improving the quality of exported coffee improvement of export coffee in the province.

At present, cashew nuts have been exported to 12 countries, pepper to 10 countries; industrial alcohol used to be exported to only 2 countries but nowadays 4 countries. Although among countries and territories exporting coffee, cashew nuts, pepper,...there were big markets requiring high standards such as the US, Japan, Chinese, Singapore, Malaysia, Ustralia and so on, agricultural products of the province still entered those markets.

In the trade- service sector, the supply and demand situation within the province remained stable. Goods were varied and plentiful with relatively stable prices, meeting people's needs. The total circulation of goods in the year 2014 was estimated to reach 10,500 billion, achieving the plan.

According to the report, the average income per capita in 2014 maintained its high level at an estimate of VND 32.5 million, VND 0.5 million higher than the planned target. This income is a relatively high figure for a local with many difficulties as our province. The economic structure recorded positive changes and exceeded the set target.

In particular, the sector of agriculture, forestry and fishery accounted for more than 51%, the industry and construction over 24% and the trade and service over 24%. This is a good premise for the economic structure of the province in 2015 to reach the targets  the resolution of the 10th Party Congress set out: the sector of agriculture, forestry accounts for 48.49%, the industry and construction 28.67% and the trade and service 22.84%.

The budget revenue in this year also increased in comparison with that in the previous year, achieving many positive results. The total budget revenue was predicted to reach VND 1,400 billion, achieving the set plan. Total local budget expenditure was estimated to reach VND 4,256 billion, reaching the set plan. Total investment capital of the whole society was estimated to reach VND 12,000 billion.

In transportation development item, many high targets have been reached, estimated to ensure the requirement about asphalting inter - provincial routes, district roads, inter-commune roads, villages and hamlet paths, etc. set out in the resolution of the 10th Party Congress.

The agricultural item also gained many positive results; in particular, grain yields and productivity exceeded the plan and epidemics in plants, livestock have been being controlled. Results have been achieved in preventing illegal logging, forest encroachment as compared  with previous year. Afforestation component either achieved or exceeded the planned targets. All educational indicator, health and culture indicators and the population growth rate have been achieved and surpassed the set plan.

It can be said that in the socio-economic development difficulties today, such positive targets achieved are really the "bright spots" and will have a certain impact on implementing the common development tasks of the 2010-2015 term that the resolution of the Party Congress set out.

Accprding to Daknong Online.