Opening the 12th meeting period of the Provincial People’s Council, course II, tenure 2011-2015
Publish date 18/12/2015 | 15:46  | View count: 2925

At 8 am of December 8, 2015, the 12th meeting period of the Provincial People’s Council, course II, tenure 2011-2015 was formally opened at the conference center of Dak Nong province.


Attenders of the conference include: Mr. Dieu K'Re, the alternative member of the Center Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Council; Mr. Nguyen Bon, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People's Committee standing Vice Chairman; Mr. Tran Van Tri, the Senior official of the office of Government; the members of Provincial Party Committee Standing board, Provincial People's Committee, Vietnam Fatherland Front Provincial Committee; Provincial delegations of National Assembly; members of Provincial People's Council; heads of Department, Boards, agencies, unions and People's Council standing of districts, town.


Mr. Dieu K'Re, the alternative member of the Center Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Council delivered speech for the opening of the meeting session

On delivering speech for the opening of the meeting session, Mr. Dieu K'Re, the alternative member of the Center Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial People's Council emphasized the importance of this meeting period which includes a high volume of workload and a number of important issues that will be considered and decided by the Provincial People's Council, including:

Firstly: focusing on taking into consideration, reviewing the reports of Provincial People's Committee on the socio-economic development performance of 2015 and 5-year period 2011-2015, directions and tasks for 2016 and the 5-year period 2016-2020 ; summing up the balance of State budget collecting and spending of the province in 2014; the performance of  State budget collection in 2015 and the plan for State budget in 2016; the implementation of development investment capital in 2015, building the plan for Government bonds and State budget development investment capital; considering the reports on the performance of the Provincial People's Court, People's Procuracy,  execution of civil affairs in 2015 of the province, directions and tasks for 2016. 

Secondly: considering, passing the draft thematic resolutions submitted at the meeting period by the Provincial People's Council and Provincial People's Committee, including: admending, supplementing the appendix issued in companion with the Resolution no. 21/2013/NQ-HĐND dated 19 July, 2013 of the Provincial People's Council which prescribes the amount of the State budget given in support for some articles of work in the implementation of National objective program of new rural area construction, period 2013 – 2020; program on jobs, period 2016-2020; stipulating the fee charged in public educational establishments from the school year 2015-2016 to 2020-2021; assigning  the tax agencies to the management of local enterprises; abolishing a number of regulations on the amount of charge, management, using of some kinds of fee and charge prescribed in companion with Resolution no. 40/2014/NQ-HĐND dated 18 December, 2015 of the Provincial People's Council; principle, objective, marks and tasks on the allotment of  development investment capital to the district level, period 2016-2020; prescribing the structure of capital for the implementation of program on solifying the irrigation waterways and traffic infrastructure of rural area, period 2016-2020, amending, supplementing some articles of the Resolution no. 37/2014/NQ-HDDND dated 18 December, 2014 of Dak Nong Provincial People's Council on the ratification of the table prescribing price of sorts of land of the province, period 2015-2019; name list of project requiring the revoking of land for socio-economic development for the sake of the nation and provincial  community in 2016 and the supervision program of the Provincial People's Council in 2016.

Thirdly:  working on dismissing and voting to supplement some titles in the Provincial People's Council, Provincial People's Committee of tenure 2011-2016.

After the opening speech of Mr. Dieu K'Re, Mr. Nguyen Bon, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People's Committee standing Vice Chairman reported on the socio-economic performance of the province in 2015 and the period 2011-2015; describing directions and tasks for 2016 and the 5-year period 2016-2020.


Mr. Nguyen Bon, Deputy Secretary of Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People's Committee standing Vice Chairman reported on the socio-economic performance of the province in 2015 and the period 2011-2015; prescribing directions and tasks for 2016 and the 5-year period 2016-2020.

According to the reports, the results of the realization of socio-economic targets during the tenure 2011-2015 are fairly good. Of the 13 targets (prescribed in the Resolution no. 30/2010/NQ-HDDND, dated December 23, 2010 of the Provincial People's Council on the socio-economic development plan for period 2011-2015), 07 targets had been reached and surpassed, accounting for 54% and 05 targets had not been reached, accounting for 46%. Some of the major targets are:  economic growth rate (GRDP at constant 1994 price) averaged out at 12.62%, remaining at a fair and stable speed; the scale of the economy by 2015 was up by 1.43 time as much as it was in 2014. Economic structure has had positive changes. GRDP per capita in 2015 was VND35 million. The total turn-over of retail sale goods and service increased at an average rate of 20% per year.

Export turn-over was up, at annual average increase rate of 20.6%. Tourism began to take the advantage of the landscape as well as culture. Total investment for social development increased at an average rate of 17% per year. Total State budget revenue increased at an average rate of 10.3% per year. Total spending of state budget increased at an average rate of 7.04% per year. Infrastructure and urban development began to be synchronized. Educational quality was enhanced, while material facilities were gradually better meeting the demand for teaching and learning. Educational scale of the province continued to expand. Public healthcare was given much attention, medical service quality was step by step enhanced, medical infrastructure continued to be invested. During the tenure, 24 thousand people have been given vocational training; jobs were given to 88.56 thousand turns of people. The policies for reducing poverty, and the rate of poor households were carried out synchronously and effectively in 2015, bringing the rate of poor households to 11.75%, down 15% compared to the beginning of the tenure.


The delegations at the meeting session


The plan for socio-economic development, period 2016-2020 was passed with 18 targets, including 10 targets on economic and infrastructure areas, 08 targets on cultural, social, environmental areas. Some of the major targets are: average GRDP of over 9%; GRDP per capital by 2020 of VND54 million; annual increase of 14% in the investment capital for the whole society (period 2016-2020); export turnover by 2020 reaching USD 1,150 million with annual increased rate averaging at 10%; import turn-over by 2020 reaching USD 150 million, increasing at an average rate of 5% per year; striving for total state budget revenue collected in the province of VND10,090 billion the during the period 2016-2020, increasing at an average rate of 12% per year; striving for the total state budget spending in the province for the period 2016-2020 of VND 31.290 billion, increasing at an average rate of 11% per year; striving for a total turn-over of retail sale and service by 2020 of over VND17,700 billion, increasing at an average rate of 10% per year...

According to the agendas of the meeting period, on December 8, the Council would work on the passing of reports and draft resolutions. On December 9, the meeting would carry out discussions and proceed to dismissing and voting to supplement some positions on the Provincial People's Council and Provincial People's Committee on December 10, 2015


The delegations of the meeting paid tribute to the heroic martyrs at the Provincial martyrs' cemetery

Before entering the opening session, the delegations visited and paid tribute to the heroic martyrs at the Provincial martyrs' cemetery.

According to