B4 – Interprovince IV Resistance Base
Publish date 11/05/2017 | 09:03  | View count: 41366

The historical B4 – inter-province IV resistance base relic (1959 - 1975) in Nam Nung, is located in the territory of two communes Nam Nung (Krong No district) and Quang Son ( Dak G'long district) in Dak Nong province.

B4 – Interprovince IV resistance base was a safe operation area of the agencies, the district party committee, the Provincial Party Committee and the inter-provincial agencies; it was a place to welcome the leaders from the Central Government to establish the main force area and direct the attacks and insurrection in the spring of 1975. At the same time, the region was a strategic corridor to transport soldiers, equipment from the rear to the front and it played the role as a hinge connecting the Highland to the South East and the North to the South

On January 23rd,1959, a belt was established with the plot to prevent impact of the revolution from the Highland to Southeast Vietnam and Saigon, Ngo Dinh Diem had decreed the establishment of Quang Duc province. They established additional boots from Dak Ga to Bu Prang, built Nhan Co airport and organized security forces, the people's self-defence corps to grip uprising of the local ethnic groups and to block the strategic corridor connecting the North to the South.
On our side, to ensure the close coordination between B90 union and Dak Lak province party committee in opening the North - South strategic corridor and developing revolutionary basis in the south of Western Highlands, in the middle of 1959, Interzone V appointed Vu Anh Ba (Hong Ung) the former Secretary of interprovince IV as the Secretary of the province's civil affairs committee.

At the beginning of 1960, the inter-zone V party committee decided to split Dak Lak province into four regions (Codenamed B), including B3, B4, B5, B6; in which B4 was the whole land of Quang Duc province established by Saigon's puppet government. On the administrative border basis, in December, 1960, the Central Government decided to establish Quang Duc province and Duc Quang Province Party Committee belonging to the inter-zone V party committee. The first steering committee was appointed by the central government including Vu Anh Ba (Hong Ung), the Secretary of the civil affair committee and Tran Phong (Bay Bien), Le Dao (Ba Dao, A Ma Nhao), A Ma Sa (YB'o), Tran Quang Sang (Ba Phuoc), Phung Dinh Am (Ba Cung), Pham Van Lac (Tu Lac). The province based on the resistance base in Nam Nung, the Plateau Robot region consisting of R'cap, Jrah, Jokju, Broah, Choaih, Fibri villages as the area of ​​operation.

Nowadays, coming to visit the historical B4 - Inter-province IV resistance base relic, visistors can see the relic lying among primeval forests with the old trees like hugging and protecting the traces of the epical histrory. From Nam Nung afforestration yards ( Krong No district), tourists can turn left at the direction of east; from Dak Song district, going along provincial road No.6; or from Gia Nghia town going along provincial road No.4, these routes can lead tourists to relic area of the B4 Provincial Party Committee and Inter-province IV.

Relic populations including two locations: B4 province party committee, Inter-province IV's party committee and B4 province army section. The base of the province army section was located at the bottom of Yok K'Le Lay hill. The belt outside the province army section region still exists the traces of Z-shaped shelters and trenches, Hoang Cam kitchen and geographic traces where former soldiers cleared of trees for cultivation (rice, corn, potato, tapioca, etc). Inside the belt was the centre of the province army section (1968-1971), where there was a structural population of house and trenches in series after another. From the top of the hill (south) down to (in the north), there are still traces of the trench shelter of the province army section. This shelter is 2.5 m in length, 0.9 m in width. It is designed like Z shape for ease of movement - one door leading inside and the other leading outside. The next is the house where Mr. Bui Duc Thanh (Nam Nhan), the chief of the province army section, lived and worked from 1968-1969 - and then Mr. Nguyen Van Thanh, the chief of the province army section lived and worked from 1969 to 1971. 

One km along the upstream of Dak D'Rouk was the base of Inter-province IV and B4 provincial committee, belonging to village 2, bon Ja Rah, Nam Nung commune (Krong). The relic is currently a rectangular ground with area of ​​13.5 m2, it is 0.15 m deep compared with the ground and four sides are covered by bamboos. It was formerly the home for B4 province and Inter-province IV party committee to live and work. In October, 1960, the inter-province separated interprovince B4 party committee's office to build a separate office. At this location, we can easily observe on the province party committee's house bed leaning against two large rocks and covered with moss beside the stream (a tributary in the south of Dak D'Rouk stream). It was formerly the residence and the workplace of Tran Phong (Bay Bien) - Secretary of Quang Duc province party committee.

The house was ​​12m2 in area. It was made of wood and the roof was covered with rattar leaves; the two sides faced northward. About 30 m to the northwest is a natural tunnel in cliff. The tunnel which is covered with a large rock above can accommodates 8 to 10 people. It faces towards the north, adjacent to the tributary of Dak E 'Rouk stream (the north branch). Approximately 50 m to the east is PEL Lep Len fall with the height of 3.5 - 4m. Behind the house is small trail, connecting to villages of the east of the base such as Ja Rah, Jok Du bon, bon R'cap, etc. There is also a meeting-room resting on the flow of the fall with area of ​​84m2. It is made ​​of wood, roofed with rattan leaves. It was the place where the first congress of Quang Duc province party committee was held (5-9-1969 ). 
In addition to the base of B4 and Inter-province IV province party committee, the relic was also the location of Dak Mil district party committee.

About 50m to the southwest through Dak D'Looung stream was Hoang Cam kitchen and the hall of Dak Mil district party committee (at the end of 1968 after Quang Duc province was moved to the south of Nam Nung, Dak Mil district party committee moved here and to Dak P'Rí stream in 1973). Like the base of Inter-province IV and Quang Duc Province (B4) in Dak D'Rouk stream, the home and Hoang Cam kitchen now no longer exist, but the kitchen ground is still intact, located 4.5 m far from the hall of district party committee to the southeast with an area of ​​4m2 (2m x 2m), the depth of 0.15 m from the ground. About 4.5 m to the northwest is the district party committee hall ground with an area of 22m2 (4m x 5,5 m), the depth of 0.1 m, facing the southwest (Dak R'Looung stream).

It's possible to say that B4 – Interprovince IV resistance base not only played the role of the front but also the rear. It was a place to build revolutionary forces, produce and supply food to the front and other regions for famine relief. It was also a place to lead the big battles at the base area, consuming the enemy force; canalizing strategic corridors, effectively serving the south battlefield. Revolutionary historical relics at B4 – inter-province IV resistance base asserted the strong solidarity between Kinh and other ethnic minority groups; confirmed the victory of Vietnam revolution in organizing leadership apparatus at all levels, building the people's war, taking advantage of enthusiastic support of the masses for revolution in the extremely difficult conditions. The relic is a place to educate traditional patriotism, love of independence for strata of the people of ethnic groups, the strong solidarity between the ethnic groups, the tradition of building and defense of the socialist fatherland.

Not only the historical significance, the revolutionary historical relic at B4 – inter-province IV resistance base is also meaningful in term of eco-tourism with diverse and rich natural environment. The whole relic area is completely located between the green of the high mountains, primeval forest floors. Here, visitors can enjoy the fresh air, cool bathing in the streams, hearing birdsong, murmuring sound of P'Ri Dak, Dak R'Looung streams. Besides, there are still many kinds of rare animals such as the wind python, eagle, pig, cat, bear, monkey, buffalo...and many species of plants such as schima, red oil, trac wood, kien kien, sao (star tree),.etc. In the relic population, there are also high mountains, very blue primeval forest floors surrounded by romantic streams, small waterfalls, adding to the mysterious beauty of unspoiled Northern Highland land. Besides, hidden under the majestic mountains is villages. The population here is mainly M'nông, Ma ethnic groups who have the special traditional cultural aspects of the native.

Historical relic populations at B4 - Inter-province IV resistance base was recognized as National Monument in Decision No. 10/2005-QD-BVHTT ,dated on March 17, 2005 by Ministry of Culture - Information. With the historical value, geological significance and ecology - culture; this place is the ideal destination that attracts the attention of visitors with available  natural beauty beside the ancient and unique traditional culture of the M'Nong villages. Actually, this is one of the great potentials to develop history - culture - tourism - economy of Dak Nong province as well as the Central Highlands.