Dak G'lun waterfall
Publish date 08/05/2017 | 09:58  | View count: 29831

Dak G'lun waterfall is loacated in hamlet 5, Quang Tam commune, Tuy Duc district, Dak Nong province. The waterfall is about 60km from Gia Nghia town and over 40km from Bu P'rang.

From Gia Nghia town to Dak G'lun waterfall, tourists can go following two directions: The first direction - from Gia Nghia town, going along the National Highway no.14 towards Ho Chi Minh city about 20 km coming to Kien Duc townlet, and then turning right to the provncial road no. 6, going to Dak Bukso commune and reaching the intersection of Bai 2 turning left more than 2km, tourists will reach the waterfall. The second direction - from Gia Nghia town, tourists can go along the National highway no.14 about 28km towards Buon Ma Thuot, and then turning left to the provincial road no.6 for about 32km going to Quang Tam commune, tourists will reach the magnificent waterfall.   

With an area of 91,6 ha, Dak G'lun waterfall looks so beautiful, the water columns are gushing into the abyss at the height of over 50 meters and cleaved with two streams of water hanging on the cliffs looking very glamorous. The width of waterfall is about 15 meters, its slope is 900, the waterfall flows all round year and emits the steam looking like the drizzle particles.

Coming to Dak G'lun, toursits will be gazed with magnificent lanscapes. Above the waterfall, there are big and even-flat cliffs looking like the spreading carpets. At the bottom of the waterfall, the big and small mounds of stone juts out the water surface with many different shapes and sizes which are similar to the wild melodies of mountains. When the sun rises, the glistening water droplets take shape the amazing rainbows.         

Dak Glun waterfall is surrounded by more than 1.000 ha of special forest, so the ecosystem is here very diversified and abundant. The big kinds of tree and cool forest bamboos. There are here large and even-flat grounds for tourists to camp and take a rest over-night. For many years, though the waterfall is located in a quite place, but the wild and romantic beauty of it attracting and fascinating many tourists coming here.  

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