CEEC Vice Chairman: Massive vaccination is needed in Viet Nam
Publish date 02/06/2021 | 10:55  | View count: 239392

VGP - Vice Chairman of the Central and Eastern European Chamber of Commerce in Viet Nam (CEEC) Csaba Bundik said he is still very lucky as Viet Nam has done an amazing job so far but the Southeast Asian country needs massive vaccination.

Vice Chairman of the Central and Eastern European Chamber of Commerce

in Viet Nam (CEEC) Csaba Bundik

Bundik made that statement at an interview with the Viet Nam Government Portal regarding challenges the European enterprises facing during the COVID-19 period and the Vietnamese Government's efforts in the pandemic fight.

"COVID-19 made a huge impact on the work of our member companies. Just like our Vietnamese partners, we are facing the challenges of working-from-home, problems in logistics, skyrocketing container prices", said Bundik.

"On the other hand we are still very lucky, because the COVID-19 prevention is the best in Viet Nam and the country did an amazing job so far", added Bundik.

He expressed thanks for the Vietnamese Government's quick decision making, the effective communication, tracking the infected one's meeting history, special thanks to the health care workers for their superb efforts, and also ordinary people to be very-very cooperative, stay-at-home when it's necessary and follow the 5K.

All together it helped Viet Nam not only to contain the virus, but keep the economy healthy, Csaba Bundik asserted.

Regarding Viet Nam's next big challenge in the COVID-19 fight, Bundik said that the current wave is more significant than the previous, adding that massive vaccination is needed.

He suggested the private and public sector together should finance the vaccinations which should start at a big scale as soon as possible.

The Vice Chairman supposed that the vaccination program costs a lot of money, to vaccinate tens of millions of people requires coordination, but it's not impossible. It's necessary, and Viet Nam will do it well.

Referring to Viet Nam's efforts in curbing the pandemic, Aramazd Muradyan, Second Secretary of the Embassy of the Republic of Armenia to Viet Nam said that COVID-19 was really very well governed by the Vietnamese Government with all the necessary precautions taken, and as a result, it hasn't been a major distruction for the Armenian Embassy.

Aramazd Muradyan highlighted that it was probably the best idea to combine fighting the pandemic and developing the economy.

With certain precautions, he expected that Government will really able to do the job by preventing the further spreading of the pandemic and meanwhile trying to develop Viet Nam's economy.

He expressed that sometimes he hasn't even felt the COVID-19 while living in Viet Nam, adding that Viet Nam was probably the best country to be during this period of the pandemic.

The Vietnamese Government really did magnificent job and while comparing with many other countries trying a lot, but with much less results Viet Nam's Government did really great job, he affirmed.
