Public opinions are positive about the development of Dak Nong province in 2017
Publish date 02/04/2018 | 11:07  | View count: 23642

The survey conducted by the Provincial Communist Party Committee’s Propaganda and Training commission among 2,700 public people in 71 communes, wards and towns in Dak Nong on the province’s performance in 2017 in terms of politics, economy, culture, society shows that people are positive about the the development of the province, with 58.7% of surveyed people seeing better performances than in 2016.

Gia Nghia town

Regarding economic situation in 2017, the public highly appraise the efficacy over such fields as the building of new rural area (by 63.89% of surveyed people), the construction of infrastruction (59.88%), the services, trading and banking sectors (53.99%). However, agriculture sector was evaluated far lower than it was in 2016, with 18.8% of surveyed people feeling declining performances in this sector.

In term of people's living, up to 48.5% of surveyed people told that their families real income increased compared with in 2016. Certain improvements have been seen in the living conditions of ethnic minority groups, with 35.7% of indigenous ethnic groups and 46.7% of other ethnic groups revealing that the real income of their families in 2017 was higher than in 2016. Through the survey, 47.6% of surveyed people told that they were pleased with their life, which is 1,1% higher than it was in 2016

The other activities relating to cutural - social  affairs, national defense and public security were highly evaluated, with 7 out of 11 activities having over 50% of surveyed people evaluating as better and far better while only 4 out of 11 activities evaluated as better in 2016. For example, for the field of education, 56% of surveyed people evaluated it as having better and far better performance, for the field of national ad boder security, it was 54.5%, the field of looking after people under preferential policies, or taking the credit  for the nation 53.2%, and the field of poverty elimination 50.9%.     

While only the administrative procedures innovation content received positive evaluations in 2016, there were 6 out of 12 surveyed contents in 2017 had more than 50% of surveyed people feeling positive changes.

In 2017, the activities of the the political system that receive public's positive evaluations include: changes in the attitude and working style of public servants and staff (with 59.4% of surveyed people had positive evaluation); theimplementation of democracy statute at base level (59.4%); administrative innovation (53.4%); prevention and fight against decline of political  ideas, morality and living styles (52.6%), dealing with the official staff violating working discipline and legislation (50.9%); transparency of the information on the authority's administration and governance (50.2%).

The operation of political system has been evaluated by the public as having positive changes, compared with it in 2016. People gave positive evaluations to the governance and administration of the leaders of all levels in 2017. Specifically, the evaluations as "very efficient" given to the leaders of all level by the public people are as followings: for leaders of provincial level, it was  52.4% of the surveyed people; for leaders of district level, 51.2%; for leaders of commune level, 53.9%.  In relation to 2016, the point given to the efficacy of provincial  leaders' governance and administration in 2017 increases by 9.3%

Beside, public opinion are quite positive about the situation and the level of socio-economic development of the province in 2018 , of which, 5 sectors are highly expected, including the building of new rural communes, the promotion of civil people' right to ownership; guarantee of social order, security; the attitude of the public servants and officials in serving people; the improvement of education quality.

The result of the social survey on Dak Nong situation in 2017 is very approriate given the province's  prominent performances of all the fields over the last year, which shows the positive attitude of the people towards the authorities of all level's determination and efforts. The results also reflect the issues people having been unsatisfactory and unpleased with, which means that the authority would have to give greater care and direction to improve the situation, with a view to strengthening people's trust, creating agreement and consent in the society.

According to